Anna Bon in Bayreuth

Anna published her six Flute Sonatas, Op. 1 in 1756. At this time she had left the Pieta and joined her parents in Germany. All three were employed by the Margrave Frederick III of Bayreuth and his wife, Wilhelmine. [Wilhelmine was the older sister of Frederick the Great.]

Records show the Bon family performed at the Margrave’s birthday party in 1756. One of the works performed for the Margrave was Festa Teatrale. This was a collaboration between Wilhelmine, who wrote the text, and Andrea Bernasconi, who wrote the music. Bernasconi was the Maestro di coro at the Pieta while Anna was there. They left the Pieta at the same time. It is speculated that Bernasconi may have been entrusted with safely delivering Anna to her parents.

Frederick and Wilhelmine where great supporters of the arts. In 1754 and 1755 they had taken a ten month trip to France and Italy. A direct result of this trip was the newly established Academy of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The goal of the school was to discover local talent and send promising students on to Paris and Rome. Rosa, Anna’s mother taught music at the Academy. Anna’s father, Girolamo, taught architecture and perspective.

Frederick was an amature flute player. He was a student of Johann Joachim Quantz, author of the still famous treatise On Playing the Flute. It is very likely that Quantz was a frequent guest at the Margrave Court and that Anna would have known him. Her Op. 1 Flute Sonatas are dedicated to the Margrave.

Wilhelmine died in 1758. All concerts and operas were cancelled. Playbills show Anna and Rosa performing in other parts of Bravaria soon after her death.


Anna Bon after Bayreuth


Anna Bon’s Childhood